”The work is under way to issue and update the legislation, regulations and instructions to be in line with the Securities Law of 2017, which came into effect on 16/5/2017. This comes in harmony with the national efforts to strengthen the national economy”, Jordan Securities Commission -JSC reported.
Since the approval of the Parliament Nation Council on the draft law, JSC has started to form specialized committees with the aim of preparing the draft regulations stipulated in the Securities Act of 2017, such as: draft rules of governance of public shareholding companies and companies subject to the control of JSC, including financial services companies and regulations of investors protection, Public possession, mutual funds and companies, the solvency standards of financial services companies, the licensing of financial services companies and the professional accreditation of certified persons, and a regulation to transfer the regulatory and supervisory powers provided for the Companies Law related to Public Shareholding Companies and Private Shareholding Companies to the JSC, the instructions for licensing the securities trading market, the conditions and requirements for the self-listing of the financial market, and the amendment of the disclosure instructions.